A study finds that people today who eat and exercise the same amount as people 20 years ago are still fatter. The researchers sought to determine whether the relationship between obesity and caloric intake, macronutrient intake, and physical activity has changed over time. Amazingly, the researchers found that it's harder for adults today to maintain the same weight as those 20 to 30 years ago did, even at the same levels of food intake and exercise. They used dietary data from … [Read more...]
Weight Gain and Gut Health: What You Should Know
Could gut bacteria microbes make you fat? That is the question raised by the article on the BBC website. It begins by noting that our guts contains trillions of microbes that are collectively know as gut microbiota. No two persons' microbiomes are the same. They are the products of what we inherit from out mothers, our diets, environment and lifestyle. According to the BBC, researchers have known for some time that the gut plays an important part in numerous systems of our body, … [Read more...]
Can Medications Cause You to Gain Weight?
I was reading an article about why it was easier to be thin in the 1980s than it is today. The article discussed a research paper written in part by Jennifer Kuk, a professor of kinesiology and health science at Toronto’s York University. In the paper, Kuk suggested that one reason people are more obese today may have to do with medications. So I did some research and there seems to be some agreement that medications can cause weight gain. Since more people are taking medications today, … [Read more...]